Dental Blog

Orthodontics: Expectations vs. Reality

Written by Dr Perry | Nov 23, 2023 10:58:37 AM

Expectations and reality in the field of orthodontics can sometimes differ, just like with any medical or dental treatment. So, let's take a closer look at some common expectations and the potential realities of undergoing orthodontic treatment:

Expectation: Quick Results Reality: Gradual Process Many people hope for quick results when it comes to orthodontic treatment, but the truth is that it's a gradual process. Braces or aligners slowly shift teeth into their desired positions, which can take several months to a few years, depending on the complexity of your case.

Expectation: Minimal Discomfort Reality: Discomfort is Common While modern orthodontic technologies have reduced discomfort, it's important to acknowledge that some level of discomfort is normal, especially after adjustments. Braces or aligners may cause soreness, irritation, and even mouth ulcers as your mouth adjusts to the changes.

Expectation: Perfect Teeth Immediately After Treatment Reality: Retention Phase Required After completing active orthodontic treatment, many patients expect their teeth to remain perfectly aligned. However, a retention phase is necessary to prevent teeth from shifting back to their original positions. Retainers, which may need to be worn regularly at first and then less frequently, help maintain the results.

Expectation: Aesthetic Improvement Only Reality: Functional Benefits Too While improved aesthetics is a common motivation for orthodontic treatment, there are functional benefits as well. Properly aligned teeth can improve bite alignment, reduce the risk of dental issues like cavities and gum disease, and even alleviate certain speech or jaw problems.

Expectation: No Lifestyle Changes Reality: Adjustments Needed Orthodontic treatment may require some lifestyle adjustments. For example, with braces, you'll need to avoid certain hard, sticky, or chewy foods to prevent damaging the appliances. With aligners, diligent wear and care are necessary for effective treatment.

Expectation: Treatment Cost is Fixed Reality: Costs Can Vary The cost of orthodontic treatment can vary widely depending on factors like the type of treatment, the complexity of your case, and the region. Some treatments may also require additional procedures or appliances, which can increase the overall cost.

Expectation: Treatment Can Fix Any Issue Reality: Limitations Exist While orthodontic treatment is highly effective for many issues, it does have its limitations. In some cases, other dental procedures like extractions or surgery may be necessary to achieve the desired results.

Expectation: Treatments are Only for Kids Reality: Adults Can Benefit Too Orthodontic treatment is not limited to children and teenagers. Many adults seek orthodontic treatment to improve their smiles and correct dental issues, and there are discreet options available, like clear aligners, that cater to their preferences.

Remember that every individual's orthodontic journey is unique. Before starting any treatment, it's crucial to have a thorough consultation with an orthodontist who can provide tailored guidance based on your specific needs and expectations.